


英国医学杂志1993年;306年doi:https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.306.6889.1386(1993年5月22日发表)引用这个:英国医学杂志306:1386 1993;
  1. D K Luyt,
  2. P R波顿,
  3. H·辛普森
  1. 莱斯特大学儿童健康部门。


    目标——确定喘息的累积数据大相径庭,医生诊断哮喘和咳嗽和喘息复发的点数据大相径庭在5岁及以下儿童。设计问卷调查的人口为基础的随机样本的孩子注册地区权威的免疫儿童健康指数;问卷完成的父母。设置——莱斯特。主题——1650白人孩子出生于1985 - 9 1990年调查。主要结果的措施——累积数据大相径庭的喘息和医生诊断哮喘和肥胖盛行程度反复咳嗽和喘息的年龄和性别。结果——有1422回复(86.2%;女孩726男孩,696)。总体而言,11.0%(95%置信区间为9.4%至12.6%)的儿童已经正式被诊断为哮喘,累积患病率的男生(12.7%)略高于女生(9.2%)(年龄调整后的优势比为1.47,p = 0.03)。正如所料,哮喘的累积患病率随着年龄增长而显著增加(7.5%在1年以下的儿童(13/173),15.9%(61/383)的孩子4年及以上; p < 0.001). The cumulative prevalence of wheeze overall was 15.6% (13.7% to 17.5%), being higher in boys (17.6%) than in girls (13.5%) (odds ratio 1.38, p = 0.03). The overall prevalence of recurrent cough without colds was 21.8% (19.6% to 23.9%), with a non-significant excess in boys (23.1% v 20.4%). The overall prevalence of wheezing attacks during the previous 12 months was 13.0% (11.3% to 14.8%) with a non-significant excess in boys (14.5% v 11.5%). CONCLUSIONS--These findings are baseline results and emphasise the importance of studying the age group of interest rather than relying on the recall of parents of school age children.