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doi: 10.1183/13993003.03914 -2020人。 打印2021年5月。




Farbod N Rahaghiet al。 欧元和J


利益冲突:F.N. Rahaghi报告了NHLBI/NIH在进行研究期间的拨款。利益冲突:J.F.希尔顿没有什么可披露的。利益冲突:R.A. Corrêa没有什么可披露的。利益冲突:C.洛雷罗没有什么可透露的。利益冲突:大田荒垣没有什么可透露的。利益冲突:C.G.Y. Verrastro没有什么可披露的。利益冲突:M.H. Lee拥有NANO X IMAGING LTD (NNOX)的股份,在提交的作品之外。利益冲突:C. Mickael没有什么可透露的。利益冲突:p·纳德利没有什么可披露的。利益冲突:斯特罗姆检察官没什么可透露的。 Conflict of interest: A.B. Waxman has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: G.R. Washko reports grants from NIH, grants and other (consultant, advisory board member) from Boehringer Ingelheim, other (founder and co-owner) from Quantitative Imaging Solutions, other (consulting, data monitoring committee) from PulmonX, grants and other (consultant) from Janssen Pharmaceuticals, other (consultant) from GlaxoSmithKline and Novartis, other (consultant, advisory board member) from Vertex and CSL Behring, outside the submitted work; and G.R. Washko's spouse works for Biogen. Conflict of interest: R. San José Estépar reports grants from NIH-NHLBI, during the conduct of the study; personal fees from LeukoLabs and Chiesi, grants and personal fees from Boehringer Ingelheim, outside the submitted work; and is also a founder and co-owner of Quantitative Imaging Solutions, which is a company that provides image based consulting and develops software to enable data sharing. Conflict of interest: B.B. Graham reports grants from NIH, during the conduct of the study. Conflict of interest: R.K.F. Oliveira has nothing to disclose.


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