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. 2017年8月; 12供应1(补充1):47-56。
doi: 10.1111/ijpo.12191. EPUB 2017 2月3日。

Adherence to the Mediterranean diet during pregnancy and offspring adiposity and cardiometabolic traits in childhood

Free PMC article

Adherence to the Mediterranean diet during pregnancy and offspring adiposity and cardiometabolic traits in childhood

L Chatziet al. Pediatr Obes. 2017年8月.
Free PMC article



Methods:我们研究了997对母子从项目薇芙a in Massachusetts, USA, and 569 pairs from the Rhea study in Crete, Greece. We estimated adherence to the Mediterranean diet with an a priori defined score (MDS) of nine foods and nutrients (0 to 9). We measured child weight, height, waist circumference, skin-fold thicknesses, blood pressure, and blood levels of lipids, c-reactive protein and adipokines in mid-childhood (median 7.7 years) in Viva, and in early childhood (median 4.2 years) in Rhea. We calculated cohort-specific effects and pooled effects estimates with random-effects models for cohort and child age.

Results:In Project Viva, the mean (SD, standard deviation) MDS was 2.7 (1.6); in Rhea it was 3.8 (1.7). In the pooled analysis, for each 3-point increment in the MDS, offspring BMI z-score was lower by 0.14 units (95% CI, -0.15 to -0.13), waist circumference by 0.39 cm (95% CI, -0.64 to -0.14), and the sum of skin-fold thicknesses by 0.63 mm (95% CI, -0.98 to -0.28). We also observed lower offspring systolic (-1.03 mmHg; 95% CI, -1.65 to -0.42) and diastolic blood pressure (-0.57 mmHg; 95% CI, -0.98 to -0.16).


Keywords:Blood pressure; cohort study; diet; lipids; obesity; pregnancy.

Conflict of interest statement


None of the authors had a conflict of interest to report.


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