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. 2005年12月;128(6):4018-23.
doi: 10.1378/chest.128.6.4018.

迪fference between dosimeter and tidal breathing methacholine challenge: contributions of dose and deep inspiration bronchoprotection


迪fference between dosimeter and tidal breathing methacholine challenge: contributions of dose and deep inspiration bronchoprotection

内森·艾伦(Nathan D Allen)et al. 胸部. 2005年12月.



Objective:To determine the relative role of dose and deep inspiration in the difference between the two methods.

方法:Subjects with asthma (n = 24) underwent three methacholine challenges: a dosimeter challenge, a 2-min tidal breathing challenge (twice the dose), and a modified 2-min tidal breathing challenge (twice the dose plus five deep inhalations).

Results:The dosimeter method produced a nonsignificantly lower response than the modified tidal breathing method (p = 0.14). Both deep inhalation methods produced significantly less response than did the standard tidal breathing method (p = 0.011). In the 12 subjects with the most mild airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR), the differences between the deep inhalation method and the tidal breathing method were greater (p = 0.007). By contrast, deep inhalations produced no effect in the 12 subjects with greater AHR; the two tidal breathing methods produced identical results, while the dosimeter produced less response than either (p = 0.033). Six current asthmatics with mild airway responsiveness (tidal breathing method) had negative dosimeter methacholine challenge results.


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