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2000年11月,104(5):741 - 5。


  • PMID:11434085


T Polanowskiet al。 Pol Arch Med Wewn 2000年11月


目前尚不清楚慢性重度肺动脉高压患者右心室至肺动脉耦合是否受血管阻塞部位的影响。我们比较了两组严重慢性血栓栓塞性肺动脉高压(CTEPH)患者的有创(Swan Ganz)和无创(回声/ /多普勒)血流动力学评估-(n = 6;52 +/- 24岁)和肺动脉高压(PAH) (n = 5;42 +/- 9岁),有创测量右心室收缩压(CTEPH: 78 +/- 14 mm Hg;多环芳烃:83 +/- 17毫米汞柱;p = NS),平均肺动脉压(CTEPH: 51 +/- 10;PAH 56 +/- 11 mm Hg, p = NS)和肺血管阻力(CTEPH: 15.6 +/- 4.4 l/min;Pah: 19.2 +/- 6.1;p = ns)。CTEPH患者的加速修正到射血时间(RVET)显著缩短:(AcT/RVET % = 24 +/- 5% vs 32 +/- 6%; p = 0.04) as well as AcT corrected by RR distance was highly significantly shorter (8 +/- 2% vs 12 +/- 2%; p = 0.006). AcT in the CTEPH group was shorter than in the PAH (60 +/- 5 vs 75 +/- 15; p = 0.047). The mid-systolic deceleration was significantly more frequent in the CTEPH group than in the PAH group (88% vs 30%; p = 0.005). If the mid-systolic deceleration was present in patients with PAH, the time to mid-systolic deceleration (t-N) had tendency to be longer in CTEPH group (118 +/- 22 ms vs 150 +/- 28 ms in PAH; p = 0.09). Significant differences appeared after correction t-N to RVET (t-N/RVET % = 46 +/- 9% vs 61 +/- 4%; p = 0.027) and to RR interval (t-N/RVET % = 16 +/- 2% vs 24 +/- 1%; p = 0.002). Doppler derived RV index proposed by Tei was slightly higher in CTEPH (0.81 +/- 0.18 vs 0.65 +/- 0.32 in PAH) but not significantly. Taken together our observations indicate that dynamical coupling between RV and pulmonary arteries is more disturbed in CTEPH than in PPH despite similar levels of chronically increased PAP.


