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A critical role for NF-κB ingata3.expression and TH2在过敏气道炎症中的分化


The transcription factor GATA-3 is expressed in T helper 2 (TH2的)but not TH1cells and plays a critical role in TH2differentiation and allergic airway inflammationin vivo。缺乏核因子κB(NF-κB)的P50亚基的小鼠无法安装气道嗜酸性炎症。我们在这里展示这不是由于t的缺陷H2cell recruitment but due to the inability of the p50−/−小鼠生产白细胞介素4(IL-4),IL-5和IL-13:细胞因子,其在哮喘发病机制中起着不同的作用。CD4.+T cells from p50−/−小鼠未能诱导gata3.expression under TH2-differentiating conditions but showed unimpaired T-bet expression and interferon γ (IFN-γ) production under TH1-differentiating conditions. Inhibition of NF-κB activity prevented GATA-3 expression and TH2cytokine production in developing, but not committed, TH2cells. Our studies provide a molecular basis for the need for both T cell receptor and cytokine signaling for GATA-3 expression and, in turn, TH2differentiation.


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Figure 1: p50−/−mice can recruit adoptively transferred TH2cells to generate airway inflammation.
Figure 2: NF-κB–deficiency impairs GATA-3 expression.
Figure 3: GATA-3 expression in developing TH2个细胞需要NF-κB活化。
图4:GATA-3表达或T不需要NF-κBH2cytokine production in committed TH2cells.
Figure 5: NF-κB–deficiency does not affect T-bet expression and IFN-γ production.


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We thank L. Glimcher for the antibody to T-bet. Supported by grants from the NIH (to A. R.).




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Correspondence toAnuradha Ray.


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关于this article


Das, J., Chen, CH., Yang, L.等等。A critical role for NF-κB ingata3.expression and TH2在过敏气道炎症中的分化。Nat Immunol2那45–50 (2001).

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