Table 1– Diagnostic approach in vocal cord dysfunction
Evaluation/test Typical findings
History (nonspecific) Throat tightness/closure, globus sensation, chest tightness, audible wheezing (inspiratoryversusexpiratory), stridor triggers: irritants, exercise trigger poor response or aggravation by inhaled medications (MDI>nebulised)
Lung function tests
 Symptom-free period Normal findings?
 Acute dyspnoea (may be provoked by methacholine/ histamine challenge, exercise, irritant challenge) Inspiratory or expiratory flow limitationTruncated flow-volume loopsDeviation of the resistance loop (inspiratory/expiratory)?Laryngoscopy (endospirometry)
ENT examination (laryngoscopy) Post-nasal drip?
Evaluation of reflux GER disease/LPR pH probe
  • 五官科:耳朵,鼻子和喉咙;蒙古包:gastro-oesophagealreflux; LPR: laryngopharyngeal reflux; MDI: metered dose inhaler; MIF50: maximal inspiratory flow at 50% of forced vital capacity; MEF50: maximal expiratoy flow at 50% of forced vital capacity.