PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Safiruddin, Faiza AU - Vanderveken, Olivier M. AU - de Vries, Nico AU - Maurer, Joachim T. AU - Lee, Kent AU - Ni, Quan AU - Strohl,金曼p TI -上呼吸道刺激对阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停对气道的影响维度援助- 10.1183/09031936.00059414 DP - 2015 1月01 TA -欧洲呼吸杂志》第六PG - 129 - 138 - 45 IP - 1 4099 - // 4100 - //所以欧元和J2015 1月01;用单侧舌下神经植入术刺激上呼吸道(UAS)是治疗阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停患者持续气道正压不耐受的有效方法。本研究评估了药物镇静和清醒状态下刺激对腭后和舌后维度的影响,以评估对UAS反应的机制关系。植入刺激器的患者在清醒状态和/或药物镇静状态下进行鼻视像内窥镜检查。在基线和刺激期间测量腭后和舌后区域的横截面积、前后和侧面尺寸。15例患者在清醒状态下接受内窥镜检查,12例患者接受药物镇静内窥镜检查。刺激水平的增加与腭后区和舌后区面积的增加有关。在清醒状态下,刺激治疗水平使腭后区面积增加56.4% (p=0.002),舌后区面积增加184.1% (p=0.006)。在刺激过程中,腭后区域的前-后维度增大,舌后区域的前-后维度和侧维度增大。 During drug-induced sedation endoscopy, the same stimulation increased the retropalatal area by 180.0% (p=0.002) and retrolingual area by 130.1% (p=0.008). Therapy responders had larger retropalatal enlargement with stimulation than nonresponders. UAS increases both the retropalatal and retrolingual areas. This multilevel enlargement may explain reductions of the apnoea–hypopnoea index in selected patients receiving this therapy. Upper-airway stimulation for OSA increases airway dimensions at both the tongue base and the palate