ty -jour t1-测量呼吸困难的改进:应该使用绝对值还是相对值?JF - European Respiratory Journal JO - Eur Respir J SP - 1700 LP - 1703 DO - 10.1183/09031936.00108014 VL - 44 IS - 6 AU - Johnson, Miriam J. AU - Bland, J. Martin AU - Oxberry, Stephen G. AU -Abernethy,Amy P. au -Currow,David C. Y1-2014/12/01 Ur -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content/44/6/6/1700.abstract n2-编辑器:同一患者结果:临床试验结果的数据(作为绝对变化或相对变化)的大小可能不同。建议是报告绝对和相对或至少基线的数据,从中可以从中计算出绝对值[1,2]。对疗效试验的系统评价表明,在大多数研究摘要(88%)和主要文本(75%)中仅报告相对值[3]。要为临床实践提供信息,无论是相对或绝对的结果,结果改善必须具有统计学意义并且具有临床意义。最小的临床重要差异(MCID)应为临床试验的样本量计算提供信息。两种方法都确定了MCID(基于分布和基于锚的方法);理想地用来解释一个在另一个上下文中[4]。分布方法是基于所研究人群中度量的基线变异性的统计计算。 This gives an effect size (change after intervention divided by standard deviation of baseline scores), the magnitude of which relates to a small, moderate or large clinical effect [5]. Thus the distribution method can only be used to calculate an absolute MCID as there is no standard deviation of baseline score for a relative measure.The anchor-based method relates the change in score to another patient-rated effect (e.g. relief score, function, or global impression of change). The anchor-based method can be used to calculate the relative MCID.Debate surrounds whether the MCID for symptoms (e.g. pain or breathlessness) should be based … ER -