188bet官网地址@article {W{\"a}lscherP4177, author = {W{\"a}lscher, Julia and Weinreich, Gerhard and Theegarten, Dirk and Ting, Saskia and Tannapfel, Andrea and Stamatis, Georgios}, title = {Long-term outcomes and prognostic factors for neuroendocrine G1 and G2 lung tumors}, volume = {40}, number = {Suppl 56}, elocation-id = {P4177}, year = {2012}, publisher = {European Respiratory Society}, abstract = {Background: Bronchial neuroendocrine G1 and G2 tumors show a favorable outcome.However,survival depends on several prognostic factors such as histological sub-type,nodal involvement and other predictors.Objectives:The presented study aimed to evaluate the long-term outcomes,survival rates and prognostic factors after resection of G1 and G2 neuroendocrine lung tumors according to the 7th edition of the TNM staging system.Patients and methods: We conducted a retrospective review of 246 consecutive patients who underwent surgical treatment for G1 and G2 neuroendocrine tumors of the lung between 1998-2010.Results: 246 patients(61\% women)with G1 and G2 neuroendocrine lung tumor underwent thoracotomy.G1 tumors were found in 205(83\%)patients,while 41(17\%)had G2 disease.Follow-up was 65.9{\textpm}40.3 months.In the total study cohort we analysed 5- and 10-year survival:G1 bronchopulmonary tumor(survival 96\% and 94\%)was significantly different(p\<0.001)from G2 bronchopulmonary tumor(survival 87\% and 46\%),stage I(survival 94\% and 85\%)was significantly different(p=0.02)from stage \>I(survival 86\% and 59\%),nodal involvement(survival 83\% and 57\%)was significantly different(p=0.02)in comparison to patients without nodal involvement(survival 94\% and 84\%),distant metastases(survival 80\% and 27\%)was significantly different(p=0.001)compared to patients without distant metastases (survival 94\% and 84\%),occurrence of symptoms before operation(survival 96\% and 84\%)was significantly different from patients presenting no symptoms before operation(survival 86\% and 67\%).Conclusion: Prognosis was influenced by histological subtype,stage of disease,occurrence of symptoms before operation,lymph node involvement and distant metastases.}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/40/Suppl_56/P4177}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/40/Suppl_56/P4177.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }