ty -jour t1-非囊性纤维化支气管扩张的多维方法:面对得分JF-欧洲呼吸杂志Miguelá。Au -de Gracia,Javier au -Vendrell Relat,Monserrat Au -Girón,Rosa -Maria au -MáizCarro,Luis au -de la Rosa Carrillo,David au -Olveira -Olveira,Casilda Y1- Casilda Y1 -2014/05/01 ur -http:/http:/http:/http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content/43/5/1357.Abstract N2-支气管扩张是一种多维疾病,因此,无法通过分析一个单个变量来充分量化其严重性或预后。本研究的目的是开发多维评分,该评分根据其预后对支气管扩张的严重程度进行分类。这是一项观察性的多中心研究,其中包括819名使用高分辨率计算机断层扫描的患有非囊性纤维化支气管扩张的患者。随机选择397名受试者以构建分数,而其余的422则用于验证。结果是放射学诊断后5年全因死亡率。使用逻辑回归分析来选择最终分数中包含的变量。最终的七点分数结合了五个二分法变量:预测的1 s%的强制呼气量(f,截止50%,最大值2分); age (A, cut-off 70 years, maximum value 2 points); presence of chronic colonisation by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (C, dichotomic, maximum value 1 point); radiological extension (E, number of lobes affected, cut-off two lobes, maximum value 1 point); and dyspnoea (D, cut-off grade II on the Medical Research Council scale, maximum value 1 point) to construct the FACED score. The validation cohort confirmed the score’s validity. We conclude that this easy-to-use multidimensional grading system proved capable of accurately classifying the severity of bronchiectasis according to its prognosis. An easy-to-use multidimensional grading system accurately classifies bronchiectasis severity according to prognosis http://ow.ly/tW3xx ER -