TY -的T1 -容积ct筛查肺癌:三轮纳尔逊试验JF -欧洲呼吸杂志》乔和J SP - 1659 LP - 1667欧元——六世- 42是10.1183/09031936.00197712 - 6盟Horeweg南达盟-范德阿尔斯特,Carlijn m . AU - Vliegenthart Rozemarijn盟——赵Yingru AU -谢,Xueqian盟——Scholten恩斯特Th。AU -马里,威廉盟——Thunnissen Erik盟——Weenink卡拉盟——Groen哈利J.M.盟,拉默斯Jan-Willem j . AU - Nackaerts Kristiaan AU - van Rosmalen Joost盟——Oudkerk Matthijs AU - de通力,哈利j . Y1 - 2013/12/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/42/6/1659.abstract N2 -几个医学协会推荐肺癌高危人群的筛检通过低剂量ct扫描。咨询候选人的潜在危害和好处,他们患肺癌的风险是一个先决条件筛选。In the NELSON trial, screenings are considered positive for (part) solid lung nodules with a volume >500 mm3 and for (part) solid or nonsolid nodules with a volume-doubling time <400 days. For this study, the performance of the NELSON strategy in three screening rounds was evaluated and risk calculations were made for a follow-up period of 5.5 years. 458 (6%) of the 7582 participants screened had a positive screen result and 200 (2.6%) were diagnosed with lung cancer. The positive screenings had a predictive value of 40.6% and only 1.2% of all scan results were false-positive. In a period of 5.5 years, the risk of screen-detected lung cancer strongly depends on the result of the first scan: 1.0% after a negative baseline result, 5.7% after an indeterminate baseline and 48.3% after a positive baseline. The screening strategy yielded few positive and false-positive scans with a reasonable positive predictive value. The 5.5-year lung cancer risk calculations aid clinicians in counselling candidates for lung cancer screening with low-dose computed tomography. 5.5-year lung cancer risk calculations aid clinicians in counselling for lung cancer screening with low-dose CT http://ow.ly/p9J3q ER -