PT -期刊文章盟范妮至此Ko AU - Ting f .梁AU -加里W.K.王盟乔乔H.Y.楚盟-兴y . Sy盟大卫南卡罗来纳州回族TI -的决定因素,并参考方程,呼出一氧化氮在中国人口援助- DP - 2013年9月01 TA - 10.1183/09031936.00130112欧洲呼吸杂志》第六PG - 767 - 775 - 42 IP - 3 4099 - // 4100 - //所以欧元和J2013 9月01;42 AB -测量分数呼出一氧化氮浓度(FeNO)已被建议作为一个有用的生物标志物对呼吸道疾病的监测和管理。有限的信息是可用的参考水平的中国成年人FeNO水平。本研究旨在探讨中国成人FeNO参考方程和决定因素。男性1093(577)健康不吸烟的18 - 90岁的受试者招募。使用化学发光分析仪FeNO在线测量。其他评估包括肺量测定法,单刺试验、血清总IgE水平和外周血中嗜酸性粒细胞计数。FeNO几何平均数为32.6(参考区间(RI) 31.4 -33.7 95%)磅的所有科目。FeNO值,男性比女性更高(几何平均数(95% RI)十亿分之38.3(36.5 - -40.2)和27.1磅(25.8 - -28.5),术中;0.0001),和特应性比nonatopic科目(十亿分之34.6(33.0 - -36.3)和29.8磅(28.3 - -31.4),术中;0.0001)。FeNO与年龄(r2 = 0.23),高度(r2 = 0.20), IgE水平(r2 = 0.18)和嗜酸性粒细胞计数百分比(r2 = 0.18)(所有术;0.0001),但不是用肺量测定的参数。 Based on multiple regression modelling, the reference equation of FeNO value was: log(FeNO) = 0.781 + 0.104(sex) + 0.004(age) + 0.084(atopy) + 0.003(height in cm), where for sex 1 = male and 0 = female, age is measured in years, for atopy 1 = atopic and 0 = nonatopic, and height is measured in cm. The FeNO of Chinese adults is higher than that of the Caucasian population, and is affected by age, sex, height and atopic status. This study provides useful references for the interpretation of FeNO. Exhaled NO fraction in Chinese adults is higher than in Caucasians, and is affected by age, sex, height and atopy