PT -期刊文章AU - Pantazopoulos, Ioannis AU - Boura, Paraskevi AU - Xanthos, Theodoros AU - Syrigos,Konstantinos TI -有效性mesothelin家族蛋白和骨桥蛋白对恶性间皮瘤援助- DP - 2013年3月01 TA - 10.1183/09031936.00226111欧洲呼吸杂志》第六PG - 706 - 715 - 41 IP - 3 4099 - // 4100 - //和欧元J2013 3月01;41 AB -恶性间皮瘤(MM)是一种侵袭性肿瘤,预后差,早期诊断困难。间皮素、巨核细胞增强因子(MPF)和骨桥蛋白作为生物标志物引起了人们的关注。本综述的目的是概述这些候选的MM生物标志物,并讨论它们在当今临床实践中的潜在作用。间皮素和MPF对MM检测具有良好的特异性,但敏感性欠佳,在肉瘤样组织学亚型和近一半的上皮样间皮瘤中均为阴性,特别是在早期。骨桥蛋白是石棉暴露持续时间的标志,但对间皮瘤缺乏特异性。一些患者特征影响了生物标志物的诊断准确性,使“最佳”诊断阈值的建立变得困难。经证明,间皮素和强积金在评估治疗反应方面是有用的。 Combining different markers together may lead to an improvement in diagnostic accuracy, but there is still need for research in this area. Extensive validation and further research is required to improve the use of serum markers in mesothelioma management. In the near future, their application in clinical practice is probably in monitoring response to therapy, rather than in guiding diagnostic decisions and risk assessment of asbestos-exposed populations.