@article {Jithoo548, author = {Jithoo, Anamika and Enright, Paul L. and Burney, Peter and Buist, A. Sonia and Bateman, Eric D. and Tan, Wan C. and Studnicka, Michael and Mejza, Filip and Gillespie, Suzanne and Vollmer, William M.}, title = {COPD病例发现选项:《阻塞性肺病负担研究》的结果},volume = {41}, number = {3}, pages ={548—555},year = {2013}, doi = {10.1183/09031936.00132011}, publisher ={欧洲呼吸学会},188bet官网地址本研究旨在比较使用阻塞性肺病负担研究数据的慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)病例发现策略。来自14个国家的年龄>=40岁的成人(n = 9,390)以人群为基础的样本完成了问卷调查和肺活量测定。我们比较了不同阶段算法的筛选效率,这些算法使用问卷数据和/或峰值呼气流量(PEF)数据来识别COPD风险人群,因此需要验证性肺活量测定。分别对中/重度COPD和重度COPD进行了算法拟合。我们估计了每1000个人使用每种算法的成本。对于中度/重度COPD,仅使用问卷数据可以实现高敏感性(97\%),但在80%的参与者中需要进行确认性肺活量测定。使用PEF进行确认性肺活量测定的受试者仅占19 22 %,敏感性83 84 %。对于严重的COPD,使用PEF达到了91 %的敏感性,需要在< 9%的参与者中进行确认性肺活量测定。 Cost analysis suggested that a staged screening algorithm using only PEF initially, followed by confirmatory spirometry as needed, was the most cost-effective case-finding strategy. Our results support the use of PEF as a simple, cost-effective initial screening tool for conducting COPD case-finding in adults aged >=40 yrs. These findings should be validated in real-world settings such as the primary care environment.}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/41/3/548}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/41/3/548.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }