TY - JOUR T1 - 的Ť <子> L,NO / Ť <子> L,CO 比在肺功能测试解释JF- 欧洲呼吸杂志JO - EUR呼吸杂志SP - 453 LP - 461 DO - 10.1183 / 09031936.00082112 VL - 41 - 2个AU - 休斯,J.迈克尔B. AU - 范德李,伊沃Y1 - 2013年2月1日UR- //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/41/2/453.abstract N2 - 肺一氧化氮(TL,NO)的转移因子为肺气体交换一个新的测试。该过程类似于肺一氧化碳(TL,CO)的已经建立的转移因子。生理学上,TL,NO主要测量从肺泡毛细血管血浆扩散通路。在Roughton-福斯特方程,TL,NO充当膜的扩散能力(DM)的替代。到一氧化碳的吸收红细胞电阻占从气体到血液中的总电阻的〜50%,但它是一氧化氮少得多。TL,NO和TL,CO可以同时与单一的呼吸技术测量,和DM和肺毛细血管血液体积(Vc)的可被估计。TL,NO,不像TL,CO,是独立的氧张力和血细胞比容的。对TL,NO / TL,CO比率被加权朝向DM / Vc的比率和以α; where α is the ratio of physical diffusivities of NO to CO (α=1.97). The TL,NO/TL,CO ratio is increased in heavy smokers, with and without computed tomography evidence of emphysema, and reduced in the voluntary restriction of lung expansion; it is expected to be reduced in chronic heart failure. The TL,NO/TL,CO ratio is a new index of gas exchange that may, more than derivations from them of DM and Vc with their in-built assumptions, give additional insights into pulmonary pathology. ER -