@article {Bradley1496, author = {Bradley, Amy and Marshall, Andrea and Abdelaziz, Mahmoud and Hussain, Khalid and Agostini, Paula and Bishay, Ehab and Kalkat, Maninder and Steyn, Richard and Rajesh, Pala and Dunn, Janet and Naidu,babu},title = {thoracoscore在选修肺切除后无法预测并发症,音量= {40},number = {6},pages = {1496---1501},年= {2012},doi = {10.1183/09031931936.00218111111},Publisher = {欧188bet官网地址洲呼吸社会},Abstract = {Thoracoscore死亡风险模型已纳入了《英国胸部社会肺癌患者的激进管理指南》中。这组患者的判别和预测能力预测死亡率和术后肺部并发症(PPC)的能力尚不确定。在42个月内,在区域胸腔中心通过胸腔切除肺切除后,对所有患者进行了前瞻性观察研究。在703名受试者中,有128名受试者开发了PPC。16例(2 \%)患者在医院死亡。在逻辑回归分析中,胸科不是死亡率的重要预测指标(OR 1.07,95 \%CI 0.99 {\ textendash} 1.17; p = 0.11),但是PPC的重要预测指标(OR 1.08,95,95 \%CI 1.03 {\ textendash} 1.13; p = 0.002)。但是,胸腔骨架的接收器操作员特征曲线下的面积为0.68(95 \%ci 0.56 {\ textendash} 0.80),用于预测死亡率,0.64(95 \%ci 0.59 {\ textendandash} 0.69),表示PPC有限的歧视性有限的歧视性。能力。 In a logistic regression analysis, another risk model, the European Society Objective Score, was predictive of mortality (OR 1.43, 95\% CI 1.11{\textendash}1.83; p=0.006) and PPCs (OR 1.48, 95\% CI 1.30{\textendash}1.68; p\<0.0001). Therefore, Thoracoscore may have poor discriminative and predictive ability for mortality and PPCs following elective lung resection.}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/40/6/1496}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/40/6/1496.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }