Ty -jour t1-门诊患者社区获得的肺炎:病因和结果JF-欧洲呼吸杂志JO -EUR RESSIR J SP -931 LP -931 LP -938 DO -10.1183/09031936.00168811 vl -40 is -40 is -4 au -cillóniz,catia auiig -catia auiig -ewig-40,圣地亚哥 - 帕尔维诺,伊娃·艾斯 - 马科斯,玛丽亚·安吉尔斯·乔-Prina,Elena au -Sellares,Jacobo au -Ferrer,Miquel au -Ortega,Marau -Gabarrús,Albert Au -Mensa,Mensa -Mensa,Mensa,Josep au -Torres,antoni -Torres,Antoni Y1 -Y1 -Y1- Y1--2012/10/01 ur -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content/40/4/4/931.abstract n2-这项研究的目的是建立微生物病因和社区获得性肺炎的患者的结果)介绍给医院急诊室后,被视为门诊病人。在巴塞罗那(西班牙巴塞罗那)的医院诊所进行了一项前瞻性观察研究。包括所有被视为门诊病人的CAP连续病例。研究了568个具有CAP的成年门诊患者(平均±SD年龄为47.2±17.6岁; 110(19.4%)年龄≥65岁)。在188例(33.1%)病例中建立了病因诊断。肺炎链球菌是最常见的病原体,其次是支原体肺炎和呼吸道病毒。在13例(2.3%)病例中检测到军团菌。在17(9.0%)患者中发现了多种因果剂。死亡率较低(三名(0.5%)患者死亡),其他不良事件很少见(30(5.2%)患者患有并发症,13例(2.3%)被重新吸收,治疗失败了13(2.3%)。 Complications were mostly related to pleural effusion and empyema, and re-admissions and treatment failures to comorbidities. Outpatients with CAP have a characteristic microbial pattern. Regular antipneumococcal coverage remains mandatory. Treatment failures and re-admissions are rare and may be reduced by increased attention to patients requiring short-term observation in the emergency care unit and in the presence of pleural effusion and comorbidities. ER -