PT-期刊文章Au -Sette,l au -del col,G au -comis,au -milic -emili,j au -rossi,au -au -boner -boner,al ti-在哮喘儿童中对FEV1的模式的效果DP -1996年9月1日TA-欧洲呼吸杂志PG -1902---1906 VI -9 IP -9 IP -9 4099 - so -eur Respir j1996 sep 01;9 AB-在成年人中,一秒钟(FEV1)的峰值呼气流量(PEF)和强迫呼气量都受到强迫到期之前的灵感的时间过程的显着影响。这项研究的目的是评估哮喘儿童中三种不同的灵感演习对PEF,FEV1和强迫生命能力(FVC)的影响。25名无症状的哮喘儿童在三个不同的灵感演习之前进行了强迫到期,其中包括:2 S最终启发性呼吸器的快速灵感(第1号动作);没有最终启发性呼吸的快速灵感(第2号动作);缓慢的灵感持续了约5秒钟,刺激性呼吸至少为4 s(第3号动作)。所有操作每天早晨连续三天以随机分配的序列进行。在每个会话中,重复操作三次,并选择最高值。用第3号操纵获得的FVC和FEV1显着低于用1和2的机动器获得的相应值。平均值(SD)FVC值为2.76(0.66)L,动作编号1,2.67(0.58)L with Manoeuvre No. 2 and 2.52 (0.52) L with Manoeuvre No. 3. The corresponding values of FEV1 were 2.25 (0.53), 2.22 (0.53) and 2.07 (0.44) L, respectively. By contrast, the values of PEF, obtained with a portable peak flow meter, were similar with the three different inspiratory manoeuvres. The results of this study show that in symptomless asthmatic children the preceding inspiratory manoeuvre may influence forced vital capacity and forced expiratory volume in one second. Hence, in order to reduce variability due to interference by physiological factors and so improve reproducibility of pulmonary function tests, the inspiratory manoeuvres must be accurately standardized.