Ty-jour t1 - 严重的肺动脉高血压导致心肺移植和露出乳腺癌JF - 欧洲呼吸期刊Jo - Eur Respir J SP - 1057 LP - 1059 Do - 10.1183 / 09031936.00182711 VL - 40是 - 4 Au - Madjer,TaniaAU - Danner-Boucher,Isabelle Au - 赫勒·兰克拉德,Delphine Au - Haloun,Alain Au - Lepoivre,Thierry Au - Sagan,Christine Au - Magnan,Antoine Y1 - 2012/10/01 UR - http://www.qdcxjkg.com / containt / 40 / 4/1057.bstract n2 - 编辑:肺肿瘤栓塞被认为是肺动脉高压的罕见原因。在尸检系列中研究的发病率从固体瘤患者的3至26%变化[1]。它最常发生在乳腺,胃,肺,肝,前列腺和胰腺癌腺癌中[1]。文献显示了男性优势和平均年龄为52.4毫秒[2]。标志是任何肺动脉高压的迹象,也是在已知肿瘤的历史中发生或作为恶性肿瘤的第一个表现形式。验证诊断难以确认,通常对尸检研究进行了明确的诊断。几项研究报告了在右心导管术期间进行的肺楔形吸气细胞学作为有用的验尸诊断工具[3]。治疗包括治疗肿瘤。缺血性高血压的特异性治疗尚未得到评估。 Most frequently, evolution leads to refractory right cardiac failure and death [4]. In rare cases improvement has been reported after chemotherapy [5] or endarterectomy [6].Two mechanisms can be involved in the development of pulmonary hypertension in tumour pulmonary embolism: the first one is by mechanical occlusion of the small pulmonary arteries by multiple neoplastic microemboli, the second one is through development of pulmonary tumour thrombotic microangiopathy (PTTM) as a result of … ER -