%0期刊文章%A Lee,J.S。%歌曲,J.W。%A Wolters,P.J.%A Elicker,B.M。%国王,T.E。%a kim,d.s.%a collard,h.r.%t支气管肺泡灌洗胃胃蛋白酶急性加重特发性肺纤维化急性加剧,D 2012%d 2012%R 10.1183/09031936.0005050911%j欧洲呼吸道由于特发性肺纤维化经历了急性加重,因此导致大量发病率和死亡率。已经提出了胃含量的神秘吸气作为导致这些急性加重的一种可能机制。我们试图确定在急性加重特发性肺纤维化期间,与稳定疾病相比,在急性加剧特发性肺纤维化期间,胃蛋白酶是胃抽吸的标志物是否升高。在特征良好的患者的病例对照研究中获得了灌洗样品。使用标准标准定义了急性加重。 Levels of lavage pepsin were compared in cases and controls, and were correlated with clinical features and disease course. 24 cases with acute exacerbations and 30 stable controls were identified. There were no significant differences in baseline demographics between the two groups. Pepsin level was an indicator of acute exacerbation status (p=0.04). On average, pepsin appeared higher in patients with acute exacerbations compared with stable controls. This difference was driven by a subgroup of eight patients (33%) with pepsin levels ≥70 ng·mL−1. Pepsin level was not an independent predictor of survival time. These results suggest occult aspiration may play a role in some cases of acute exacerbation of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. %U //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/erj/39/2/352.full.pdf