RT期刊文章SR电子T1严重哮喘发作分类:摩根富林明提议欧洲呼吸杂志乔和J FD欧洲呼吸学会SP 1775欧元OP 1778签证官9 = 9 A1 Picado, C年1996 UL //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/9/9/1775.abstract 188bet官网地址AB哮喘急性加重的强度可能会有所不同从轻微到严重。许多研究已经证明,严重哮喘恶化的速度(SAE)发展变化的病人。在一些哮喘患者,恶化很快,而在别人有逐渐恶化的临床、功能和血气参数。突然SAE的特点是其爆炸性的表示和快速恢复。这进化与患者的SAE发病缓慢,通常需要长期住院。从航空公司没有分泌物吸机械通气期间一直在报道突然SAE,而大量的半流体的粘液中发现发病缓慢SAE患者。肺的病人死于突然发作SAE经常显示空的气管和支气管上皮的主要中性粒细胞浸润,与中存在的大量嗜酸性粒细胞的患者死于一个缓慢的开始SAE。突然发作SAE可能发生疫情或散在病例。散发病例可能会导致摄入的非甾体类抗炎药(非甾体抗炎药)患者的不宽容这些产品,大量常见的过敏原接触和摄入的食物含有亚硫酸盐。哮喘已被描述在许多城市爆发。 In contrast to sudden onset SAE, slow onset SAE is characterized by a progressive deterioration, accompanied by an increase in the use of bronchodilators. Lack of appropriate monitoring of function by peak expiratory flow (PEF) recording, failure of patients to recognize worsening symptoms and underusage of inhaled and oral steroid treatment have been repeatedly identified as factors which are likely to be associated with slow onset SAE. The contribution of psychosocial problems, depression, denial of asthma severity and nonadherence with the treatment should not be overlooked in patients with slow onset SAE. Classification of severe asthma exacerbations into two types (sudden onset and slow onset) could help to reveal the aetiology of the attack and may also be relevant to the management of the patient.