ty -jour t1-严重哮喘的分类:提案JF-欧洲呼吸杂志://www.qdcxjkg.com/content/9/9/1775.abstract N2-哮喘加重的强度可能从轻度到重度变化。许多研究表明,患者的严重哮喘加重(SAE)发生的速度有所不同。在某些哮喘患者中,加剧很快就会出现,而在另一些哮喘患者中,临床,功能和血液气参数的逐渐恶化。SAE突然的特征是它们的爆炸性表现和快速恢复。这种演变与SAE发作缓慢的患者相反,SAE通常需要长时间住院。在SAE突然的SAE中,在机械通气过程中没有从气道吸收的分泌物,而在SAE缓慢发作的患者中发现了大量的粘性粘液。在突然发病中死亡的患者的肺部经常显示空气道和支气管上皮的主要嗜中性粒细胞浸润,与在缓慢发作SAE中死亡的患者中存在丰富的嗜酸性粒细胞相比。突然发病可能是作为零星病例或爆发发生的。零星病例可能是由于对这些产品不耐受的患者摄入非甾体类抗炎药(NSAID),大量暴露于常见的过敏原并摄入含硫酸盐的食物。许多城市都描述了哮喘暴发。 In contrast to sudden onset SAE, slow onset SAE is characterized by a progressive deterioration, accompanied by an increase in the use of bronchodilators. Lack of appropriate monitoring of function by peak expiratory flow (PEF) recording, failure of patients to recognize worsening symptoms and underusage of inhaled and oral steroid treatment have been repeatedly identified as factors which are likely to be associated with slow onset SAE. The contribution of psychosocial problems, depression, denial of asthma severity and nonadherence with the treatment should not be overlooked in patients with slow onset SAE. Classification of severe asthma exacerbations into two types (sudden onset and slow onset) could help to reveal the aetiology of the attack and may also be relevant to the management of the patient. ER -