TY - JOUR T1 -肺泡体积标准化的转移因子(扩散能力):验证的参考价值和应用一个新的线性模型来取代KCO (TL / VA)摩根富林明-欧洲呼吸杂志》乔欧元和J SP - 1269 LP - 1277 - 10.1183 / 09031936.96.09061269六世- 9 - 6盟Chinn DJ AU -柯特斯,我非盟,鲜花,R AU -标志,非盟-里德,JW Y1 - 1996/06/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/9/6/1269.abstract N2转移因子(TL)随肺泡体积(VA),但不是一氧化碳传递系数(KCO (TL/VA))所暗示的方式。本文考虑了另外两个可能标准化VA的TL的简单模型(一个线性模型和一个指数模型),并提出了以下问题:1)这两个模型是否有效?2)什么是合适的参考值?3)模型是否有用?测量并比较不同吸气深度和不同肺大小的被试之间的TL与VA的关系。受试者为无症状、不吸烟的白种人成人,包括实验室评估的31名男性和503名人口研究的男性和女性参与者。TL对VA的线性偏回归系数(L经体温、大气压力和水饱和度(BTPS)校正)以米为单位标准化身高(H),在受试者内部和受试者之间相似;系数适用于VA的大范围值。这不是指数模型的情况。 The resulting reference equations in SI units for males and females were: TL = 11.52 H + 2.72 VA.H-2 - 0.051 Age -12.35. RSD 1.17; and TL = 4.87 H + 2.29 VA.H-2 - 0.019 Age -3.03. RSD 0.92, respectively. The residual standard deviations (RSD) about the new relationships were less than in other series. The new linear model could account for much of the variation between different published reference values for TL; it could be useful clinically, in circumstances when VA deviates from the norm. The model does not explain differences in TL associated with gender. Inclusion of VA.H-2 as a covariate in the reference equation for transfer factor, in addition to age and height, improves the accuracy of prediction of normal transfer factor compared with current reference values; its use suggests that some of the differences between published values is due to the volume term. The equations can be used clinically, and eliminate the need for carbon monoxide transfer coefficient. ER -