ty -jour t1-在特应哮喘JF中的支气管粘膜中编码rantes和MCP -3的mRNA表达增加 - 欧洲呼吸杂志- 洪伯特,M au -durham,sr au -assoufi,b au -kay,ab au -corrigan,CJ Y1-1996/12/01 UR- http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content/9/9/9/12/2454.Abtract N2-选择性募集嗜酸性粒细胞进入气道的粘膜衬里是特应性哮喘的重要特征,被认为是疾病发病机理中的重要组成部分。导致嗜酸性粒细胞流入的精确刺激尚不清楚。使用半定量逆转录酶聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)技术,信使核糖核酸(mRNA)编码嗜酸性粒细胞活性趋化性细胞因子的副本核糖核酸(mRNA)的副本数量(相对于“家具”基因β-肌动蛋白)的数量在正常的T表达和分泌的T细胞中激活(RANTES)和单核细胞趋化蛋白-3(MCP-3),在来自特应性哮喘患者的支气管活检中测量(n = 9),并与特应非洲的非肢体(n = 8)和特应非洲的患者相比非原子非腹腔(n = 8)对照受试者。此外,准备了来自每个受试者的进一步活检,以进行免疫组织化学和测量的激活(EG2+)嗜酸性粒细胞的数量。与特应性非腹腔对照(p = 0.013)和非原子非哮喘对照(p = 0.007)相比,在特应性哮喘组中,RANTES mRNA的表达显着升高。类似地,相对于特应性非腹腔对照组(P = 0.014)和非原子非肌肉对照组(P = 0.011),相对于特应性哮喘组的MRNA编码MRNA的表达显着升高。 Elevated RANTES and MCP-3 mRNA expression was associated with significantly increased numbers of bronchial mucosal eosinophils in the atopic asthmatic patients as compared to the atopic nonasthmatic (p = 0.03) and nonatopic nonasthmatic (p = 0.006) control subjects. In conclusion, we have identified elevated expression of messenger ribonucleic acid encoding RANTES and monocyte chemotactic protein-3 in the bronchial mucosa of atopic asthmatic patients relative to controls. These findings are compatible with the hypothesis that eosinophil-active beta-chemokines play a role in the mechanism of eosinophil recruitment to the asthmatic bronchial mucosa. ER -