RT Journal文章SR Electronic T1肺移植患者骨质疏松症JF European Respiratory Journal JO Eur Respir J FD European Respiratory Society SP 2378 OP 2382 DO 10.1183188bet官网地址/09031936.96.09112378 VO 9 IS 11 A1 Ferrari, SL A1 Nicod, LP A1 Hamacher, J A1 Spiliopoulos, A A1 Slosman, DO A1 Rochat, T A1 Bonjour, JP A1 Rizzoli,R R R 1996 UL //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/9/11/2378.abstract AB骨质疏松性骨折的发生可能严重影响肺移植受者的生活质量。然而,目前,这类患者患骨质疏松症的真正风险尚不清楚。因此,我们前瞻性地评估了接受肺移植患者的骨量变化。对连续21例肺移植患者(男9例,女12例;平均+/-SD年龄47±11岁)。其中12名患者在术后6个月内重新测量了骨密度,9名患者在术后1年再次测量了骨密度。移植前,与年轻健康成人相比,所有部位的BMD和WB-BMC均显著下降,其中FN受影响最大(FN -25+/-2%;LS -12 + / - -4%;FS -9+/-2%, WB-BMC -15+/-4%(平均值+/-SEM))。 Seven out of 20 adult patients (35%) fulfilled World Health Organization (WHO) criteria for osteoporosis, i.e. BMD more than 2.5 SD below peak bone mass, whereas three had previously been diagnosed as having osteoporotic fractures of the spine or femoral neck. Within 6 months after transplantation, significant bone loss occurred, mostly at the LS level (-4.0+/-1.7%; p=0.04), despite calcium and vitamin D supplementation. Furthermore, two patients had new osteoporotic vertebral fractures. After 1 year, no further bone loss or new osteoporotic fractures were observed. In conclusion, evaluation of bone mass and prevention of bone loss should be considered early before lung transplantation. Further studies are needed to determine the efficacy of antiresorptive drugs on the prevention of accelerated bone loss and vertebral fractures after transplantation.