TY - T1的骨质疏松症患者进行肺移植JF -欧洲呼吸杂志》乔和J SP - 2378 LP - 2382欧元六世- 9 - 11 AU -法拉利,SL盟——Nicod LP AU - Hamacher J盟——Spiliopoulos盟——Slosman,做非盟-装置,T非盟-您好,摩根大通盟——一副,R Y1 - 1996/11/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/9/11/2378.abstract N2 -骨质疏松性骨折的发生可能严重妥协的肺移植受者的生活质量。然而,目前,骨质疏松症等患者的真正风险是未知的。因此我们前瞻性评估接受肺移植的患者骨量变化。腰椎的骨矿物质密度(BMD) (LS)、股骨颈(FN)和股骨(FS),以及全身骨矿物质含量(WB-BMC)以连续21个肺移植候选人(9男性和女性12;意思是+ / -标准差47岁+ / -11年)。十二的患者BMD手术后6个月内重新度量界限,和9后再次1年。移植前,BMD网站以及WB-BMC明显减少的值相比年轻健康成人,FN在受影响最严重的(FN -25 + / - -2%;LS -12 + / - -4%;FS 9 + / - -2%, WB-BMC -15 + / - -4%(平均+ /钙)。七20成人患者(35%)实现世界卫生组织(世卫组织)标准骨质疏松症,即BMD超过2.5 SD低于峰值骨量,而三个曾被诊断为骨质疏松性脊柱骨折或股骨颈。 Within 6 months after transplantation, significant bone loss occurred, mostly at the LS level (-4.0+/-1.7%; p=0.04), despite calcium and vitamin D supplementation. Furthermore, two patients had new osteoporotic vertebral fractures. After 1 year, no further bone loss or new osteoporotic fractures were observed. In conclusion, evaluation of bone mass and prevention of bone loss should be considered early before lung transplantation. Further studies are needed to determine the efficacy of antiresorptive drugs on the prevention of accelerated bone loss and vertebral fractures after transplantation. ER -