RT期刊文章SR电子T1的声音分析简单打nor和阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停JF欧洲呼吸杂志JO EUR RESSIR J FD欧洲呼吸协会SP 2365 OP 2370 VO 9 IS 11 A1 FIZ,JA A1 ABAD,J A1 ABAD,J A1 JANE188bet官网地址,R A1 Riera,M A1 Mananas,MA A1 Caminal,P A1 Rodenstein,D A1 Morera,J yr 1996 Ul //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/9/9/11/11/2365.Abstract Abstract Abstract,Abstract Abstract,s norkom abnoring abnoring,s norkom abnoring abnoring abnoring abnoring,s norkom可能表明存在阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(OSA)在普通人群中也很常见。最近的研究表明,单声音和OSA患者的打s声的声学特征可能会有所不同。我们研究了少数患有简单打nor和OSA的患者,分析了打sound的声学特征。研究了17名男性患者,10名患有OSA(呼吸暂停/呼吸呼吸呼吸呼吸指数(AHI)26.2事件X H(-1))和7个简单的打nor(AHI 3.8事件X H(-1))。进行了全夜多个多摄影术,并分析了打呼式声音功率谱。打呼式声音的光谱分析显示存在两个不同模式。第一个模式的特征是存在基本频率和几个谐波。第二种模式的特征是低频峰,声音散布在较窄的频带上,但没有明确识别的谐波。OSA(AIH 13和14事件X H(-1))中的10名简单打nor和两名患者中有两名显示了第一种模式。 The rest of the OSA patients showed the second pattern. The peak frequency of snoring was significantly lower in OSA patients, with all but one OSA patient and only one simple snorer showing a peak frequency below 150 Hz. A significant negative correlation was found between AHI and peak and mean frequencies of the snoring power spectrum (p<0.0016 and p<0.0089, respectively). In conclusion, this study demonstrates significant differences in the sound power spectrum of snoring sound between subjects with simple snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea patients.