PT -期刊文章盟Arevalo M盟——Solera J盟——Cebrian D盟——Bartolome J AU -罗伯斯,P TI -风险因素与Castilla-la-Mancha耐药结核分枝杆菌(西班牙)援助- 10.1183 / 09031936.96.09020274 DP - 1996年2月01 TA -欧洲呼吸杂志》第六PG - 274 - 278 - 9 IP - 2 4099 - // 4100 - //所以欧元和J1996 2月01;9 AB -本研究的目的是调查西班牙东南部地区抗结核药物的原发性和继发性耐药发病率以及与耐药相关的危险因素。我们的研究基于1988年1月至1994年10月间接受药物敏感性测试的276例结核阳性培养诊断患者的临床病史。临床病史由两名独立调查人员检查。24例(8.7%)患者分离到耐药株。239例既往未接受结核病治疗的患者中,7例(2.9%)耐药。在37例既往治疗的患者中,17例(46%)耐药。276例患者中有17例(6.2%)对单一药物有耐药性。对异烟肼初次耐药率为1.7%。既往治疗结核病(优势比(OR) 39.2; 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 10.2-150); hepatic cirrhosis (OR 104; 95% CI 12.8-847); and age 45 yrs and older (OR 4.80; 95% CI 1.15-20.1) were considered risk factors associated with drug-resistant tuberculosis. We conclude that primary and secondary resistance is low in the southeast of Spain and we recommend that susceptibility testing be performed on initial M. tuberculosis isolated from patients with a history of previous tuberculosis therapy, hepatic cirrhosis or more than 44 yrs of age.