ty -jour t1-肺功能降低,一年的同种异体骨髓移植幸存者,由高剂量busulphan和环磷酰胺JF调节 - 欧洲呼吸杂志JO -EUR RESSIR J SP -1269 LP -1269 LP -1274 VL -8 IS -8 AU -8 AU -LUND -LUND -LUND -LUND -LUND -LUND -LUND -LUND -LUND -LUND -LUND -LUND -LUND,MB au -Kongerud,J au -brinch,l au -evensen,sa au -boe,j y1-1995/08/01 ur -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content.com/content/8/8/8/1269.AbstractN2-在同种异体骨髓移植(BMT)之前用链球菌(BU)和环磷酰胺(CY)进行调节(CY)是包括全身照射(TBI)的方案的替代方案。该研究的目的是评估此治疗后肺功能障碍的发生和程度。前瞻性地,通过BMT之前和BMT后3个月的间隔在3个月的间隔之前,通过肺功能测量以及临床和放射学评估检查了43例年龄在17-51岁(中位31岁)的患者(中位31岁)。所有患者在BMT前和12个月随访之前都有正常的胸部X光片。平均基线值高于肺部体积正常的100%,气体转移的平均值高于90%。在肺功能后续分析中排除的是九名患有感染性肺炎和/或发育闭下的细支气管炎的患者。对于其余患者(n = 34),平均肺泡体积(VA),强迫生命力(FVC)和强迫呼气量在一秒钟内(FEV1)在BMT后3个月中下降了近10%(FEV1),但已恢复,但已恢复在1年内。FEV1/FVC X 100(FEV1%)增加了,反映了限制模式。 Hb-adjusted transfer factor of the lungs for carbon monoxide (TL,CO) had dropped by 20% after 3 months, and remained reduced by 15% after 1 year. Prior to BMT the smokers had significantly lower TL,CO than the nonsmokers, and after BMT the difference was accentuated. Reductions in lung function were independent of sex, age and type of haematological disorder. We conclude that BMT with BU/CY is associated with transient declines in lung volumes and a persistent reduction in gas transfer 1 yr after therapy.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) ER -