%0期刊文章%a hoekx,jc%a hedlin,g%a pedersen,w%a sorva,r%a hollingworth,k%a efthimiou,j%t fluticasone presionate pocionate posionate与布德索尼德(Budesonide)相比在400 microg x天(-1)%D 1996%J欧洲呼吸期j欧洲呼吸期%p 2263-2272%v 9%n 11%x的剂量下使用粉末设备,这项研究的目的是将丙酸氟甲酸酯(FP)与在治疗哮喘儿童中,以400 microg x天(-1)的剂量为400 microg x天(芽)。随机分配了200-400个微型X(-1)的229名轻度至中度哮喘的儿童,目前接受200-400 microg X Day(-1),随机分配以接收盘的400 microg x Day(-1)(注册)(已注册)Turbuhaler(Astra Pharmaceuticals Ltd的注册商标)Bud的谷歌集团的商标或400 Microg X Day(-1),在平行,双盲,双盲研究中,持续了8周。通过测量每日峰值呼气流(PEF)评估一级功效。此外,在每个诊所就诊时进行了肺功能测试,并在研究治疗的开始和结束时,每位患者的一位父母完成了以患者为中心的问卷。在用FP和BUD治疗后,平均早晨PEF增加了,但是在第1-4周(p = 0.015)和1-8周(p = 0.019)的FP治疗后,FP处理后的平均值明显更高。在平均晚上PEF和预测的早晨和晚上PEF的百分比中发现了类似的结果。接受FP的儿童在体育锻炼(即运动,游戏)上的干扰显着较少,因为与接受BUD治疗的儿童相比,他们的哮喘患者(p = 0.03)。 Mean cortisol levels increased in both groups, but the increase was significantly higher in the FP group at 4 weeks (p=0.022). Serum and urine markers of bone formation and resorption changed very little and showed no consistent pattern of change. Fluticasone propionate at a dosage of 400 microg x day(-1) from the Diskhaler provided a more rapid and greater improvement in lung function in children with mild-to-moderate asthma than BUD 400 microg day(-1) from the Turbuhaler. Both treatments were well-tolerated, with a similar safety profile. %U //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/erj/9/11/2263.full.pdf