PT - Journal文章Au - Haby,MM Au - Peat,JK Au - Mellis,CM Au - Anderson,SD Au - Woolcock,AJ TI - 儿童哮喘流行病学研究的运动挑战:有效性和重复性DP - 1995年5月01 TA- 欧洲呼吸期刊PG - 729--736 VI - 8 IP - 5 4099 - // 4100 - // so - 欧元reshir J1995 5月01日;8 AB - 我们评估了标准化运动挑战案议定书的有效性,可重复性和实用性,用于测量8-11 YRS儿童哮喘流行病学研究中的气道反应性。The construct validity of the exercise challenge was assessed by comparing response to exercise with other measures of asthma, i.e. wheeze frequency, diagnosed asthma, asthma medication use, atopy and urgent doctor visits (n = 802), and by comparison with response to histamine challenge (n = 201). Repeatability was assessed by comparison of responsiveness to two exercise challenges within 3 days (n = 113), and practicality was assessed by measurement of consent, compliance and throughput rates (n = 802). There was a significant relationship between frequency of wheeze attacks and % fall in forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) to exercise. The correlation (r) between % fall in FEV1 to exercise challenge and dose-response ratio to histamine challenge was 0.59. The repeatability of the exercise challenge was +/- 12% fall in FEV1. Consent and compliance rates for exercise challenge were 78 and 99%, respectively, and the mean throughput rate was 45 children per school day for a team of seven researchers. In conclusion, this exercise challenge was found to have good validity and to be reliable and practical. Thus, this challenge could be used as a standardized epidemiological tool to investigate the prevalence, aetiology and mechanisms of asthma.