TY - T1的诊断准确性的便携式录音设备(MESAM IV)疑似阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停JF -欧洲呼吸杂志》乔欧元和J SP - 2597 LP - 2605 - 10.1183 / 09031936.96.09122597六世- 9 - 12盟Esnaola AU - J杜兰AU - C Infante-Rivard AU - R卢比奥AU -费尔南德斯Y1 - 1996/12/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/9/12/2597.abstract N2 -本研究评估一个便携式录音设备的准确性(MESAM IV)在鉴别阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停(OSA)。第四MESAM系统措施动脉氧饱和度(Sa, O2),心率,打鼾的声音和身体位置,并允许自动和手动的得分记录。夜间多导睡眠图和MESAM IV录音同时进行150年疑似阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合症患者,盲目地进行分析,不同的观察者。患者一个apnoea-hypopnoea指数(AHI)大于或等于10被诊断阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合症。MESAM IV的歧视性的能力的评价分数,分界点将最小化首先排除真正患病的病人(即假阴性的解释),然后确认nondiseased科目(即假阳性)。作为排除测试时,便携设备达到的敏感性为0.98,特异性为0.78;确认测试,这些值分别为0.69和0.97,分别。这些结果与人工评分,实现优于自动评分。Manual scoring was also better than automatic scoring when OSA was defined according to other threshold values (> or = 5, 15 and 20) for the AHI. The combination of MESAM IV manual scores could reduce the need for diagnostic polysomnography in three quarters of the patients clinically suspected of having obstructive sleep apnoea, substantially reducing costs associated with diagnostic procedures. ER -