%0刊杂志,Ch%A唐,YC%A王,SE Hwang,JC%T在猫静脉内输注后静脉注射后的氨基蛋白静脉注射症%D 1995%J欧洲呼吸后杂志%p%p 632-636%v 8%n 4%x氨基啉植物具有呼吸兴奋剂性能,并提出它在睡眠呼吸暂停中也可能有效。然而,它在这种疾病中的作用仍然不确定。从理论上讲,增加上呼吸道运动型活性以维持气道通畅可能减轻阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停。另一方面,增加呼吸器驱动也可以证明有益于治疗中央睡眠呼吸暂停。在这些研究中,我们试图确定氨基啉基对上气道和隔膜的神经活动的影响。我们静脉注射低剂量(4mg.kg-1)或高剂量(16mg.kg-1)氨基啉基,氨基蛋白酶,并不断记录膈下血吸虫和复发性喉神经活性3H。结果表明,高剂量的氨茶碱诱导膈神经活性的显着增加,但不是次渗透道或反复性的喉神经活性。在用低剂量的氨基啉基治疗的组中,所有三神经中发现了显着增加的活性。 Furthermore, phrenic nerve activity increased more with a high dose than with a low dose. We confirmed that aminophylline has dose-dependent and selective effects on respiratory neural activity. A low dose acts on the upper airway and diaphragm, but a high dose induces a marked increase in central respiratory drive. According to our results, low dose aminophylline might be beneficial in obstructive sleep apnoea, whereas, a high or low dose might improve some cases of central sleep apnoea. %U //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/erj/8/4/632.full.pdf