Ty-Jour T1 - 呼吸疾病的成人患者的体格检查:检查和触诊JF - 欧洲呼吸杂志Jo - Eur Respir J SP - 1584 LP - 1593 VL - 8是 - 9 Au - Maitre,B Au - Similowski,TAU - Derenne,JP Y1 - 1995/09/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/8/9/1584.Abstract/8/9/1584.Abstract n2 - 检查胸部识别患者采用的呼吸位置,形状胸部,呼吸动力学(呼吸图,膨胀,力学和肋骨和腹部运动同步)。检查颈部增加了有用的信息,特别是关于呼吸动态。触诊确定通过检查呼吸机制的检查标志。它还通过研究触觉Fremitus来评估胸膜和肺部牙科的状态。它集成了外阻迹象,例如淋巴结或乳房异常。还应系统地寻找脱果呼吸迹象,包括紫绀,手指变形,脉冲悖论,并追踪嘴唇呼吸。关于呼吸迹象的Interobserver协议一再研究,并且通常发现临床功能相关性低。然而,有一些关于慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD),哮喘或肺栓塞的数据。 From the description of some signs and the current knowledge about their operative values, it appears that much clinical research remains necessary to better define the precise diagnostic value of a given sign. The impact of training on diagnostic performance also has to be defined. Both of these aspects should allow clinicians to optimize the way in which they use their hands and eyes to conduct respiratory diagnosis, as well as the way they teach respiratory symptomatology. ER -