@article {Duchaine2508作者={迪谢纳C和Israel-Assayag E和弗尔涅,M和Cormier, Y}, title ={戊糖片球菌的促炎效应,一种细菌用作干草防腐剂},体积={9}={12},页面= {2508 - 2512}= {1996},doi ={10.1183 / 09031936.96.09122508} ={欧洲呼吸学会},出版商文摘={戊糖片球菌等细菌培养,用于治疗干草防止干草加热和造型的目的,因此,微生物增长的发展导致农民{\ textquoteright}肺。188bet官网地址本研究的目的是调查是否这些细菌培养有潜力导致肺部炎症反应。老鼠灌输3天第1周3周与生理盐水或不能存活的准备的p . pentosaceus Saccharopolyspora rectivirgula, Lactococcus lactis(控制细菌)或美国rectivirgula和p . pentosaceus的组合。p . pentosaceus诱导显著炎症反应肺是由美国rectivirgula类似。l . lactis产生响应的强度较低。细胞的总数支气管肺泡灌洗是:美国rectivirgula: 6.4 x 10 (5) cells.mL-1;p . pentosaceus: 4.3 x 10 (5) cells.mL-1;美国rectivirgula + p . pentosaceus: 5.4 x 10(5)细胞。mL-1, l . lactis: 6.8 x 10(5)细胞。mL-1和生理盐水组3.7 x 10 (4) cells.mL-1。肺指数高于s rectivirgula + P。 pentosaceus and P. pentosaceus groups than in S. rectivirgula, L. lactis and saline groups. The quantity of specific immunoglobulin G and A (IgG and IgA) to P. pentosaceus and L. lactis levels (in the blood and/or lavage fluid) were similar to those against S. rectivirgula. In mice, P. pentosaceus has the potential to induce a similar inflammatory response in the lung as S. rectivirgula, which is the most common antigen responsible for farmer{\textquoteright}s lung disease in Quebec. Further studies are needed to verify whether farmers can develop farmer{\textquoteright}s lung or other lung responses to this new potential antigen.}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/9/12/2508}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/9/12/2508.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }