PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Hamnegard, CH AU - Wragg, S AU - Mills, G AU - Kyroussis, D AU - Road, J AU - Daskos, G AU - Bake, B AU - Moxham, J AU - Green,M TI -肺容积的影响在transdiaphragmatic压力DP - 1995年9月01 TA -欧洲呼吸杂志》第六PG - 1532 - 1536 - 8的IP - 9 4099 - // 4100 - //所以欧元和J1995 9月01;AB -膈肌强度可以通过测量膈神经刺激时的经膈压(Pdi)来评估。膈肌的长度-张力关系可以通过测量在肺容积范围内的收缩Pdi来研究。以往对肺容积与膈肌强度关系的研究采用了膈神经电刺激技术。在这些研究中,没有考虑到抽搐电位的现象。它已经表明,事先收缩隔膜可以大大提高抽动响应,从而影响测量。本研究的目的是研究正常受试者未增强的抽搐Pdi与肺容积之间的关系,从剩余容积(RV)到肺总容积(TLC)。非常小心地避免肌肉增强。为此,我们用磁刺激器刺激膈神经。 In addition, we used positive pressure to inflate the lungs to high lung volumes. The impact of twitch potentiation on the length-tension relationship was investigated by subjects making maximum inspiratory efforts prior to phrenic nerve stimulation. The unpotentiated twitch Pdi decreased in a linear fashion with increasing lung volume over the full range of vital capacity by 0.54 kPa.L-1. Potentiation increased twitch Pdi by 40% at FRC and the effect was similar, in absolute terms, at all lung volumes. In relative terms, the effect of potentiation became greater as lung volume increased, and more than doubled twitch Pdi at TLC. With increasing lung volume, there is a linear fall in unpotentiated twitch Pdi with a slope that is less steep, over the same range of absolute lung volume, than previously reported. When assessing diaphragm strength by the twitch technique, it is essential to control for lung volume and equally important to control for twitch potentiation.