%0期刊文章valdes,l%san jose,e%a alvarez,d%a valle,jm%t腺苷脱氨酶(Ada)胸膜沸腾中的同工酶分析:诊断作用,与增加的Ada的起源相关结核性葡萄牙语%D 1996%J欧洲呼吸轴颈%P 747-751%p 747-751%v 9%n 4%x腺苷脱核酶(Ada)活性在结核性胸膜患者的胸膜液中的上升,虽然用于诊断,属于未知的起源。在这项工作中,我们确定了350名患者中2'-脱氧腺苷脱氨酶和ADA-2的活动和ADA-2的活动。我们还考虑了结果在结核性胸膜炎中的高胸膜液体ADA的起源并估计了2'-脱氧腺苷脱氨酶,ADA-2和总ADA活性的诊断效率,并不包含了2'-脱氧腺苷脱氨基酶/ ADA活动比例在组合标准中。通过先前建立的标准作为翻译(60名男性/ 18名女性)或结核(49名男性/ 27名女性),肿瘤(50名男性/ 39名女性),肺炎(36名男性/ 19名女性),脓血(36名男性/ 19名女性),脓包(11个男性/ 3名女性),或杂项(25名男性/ 13名女性)渗出。分别为127.5 +/- 2.9,103 +/- 2.9,103 +/-29.5和42.8 +/-14 U.L-1分别为The Ada,Ada-2和2'-脱氧腺苷脱氧酶活性。分别具有47,40和22 u.L-1的诊断阈值,ADA,ADA-2和2'-脱氧腺苷脱氧糖酶用于结核病的敏感性为100,100和95%;他们的特异性91,96和92%;他们的效率分别为93,97和93%。一百个潮流(全部76个结核,12个肿瘤,4例,4例脓疱剂)具有全ADA水平> 47 U.L-1; of these, 8 neoplastic, 1 parapneumonic and all the tuberculous exudates had a 2'-deoxyadenosine deaminase/ADA activity ratio < 0.49. The criterion of simultaneously having ADA > 47 U.L-1, ADA-2 > 40 U.L-1 and a 2'-deoxyadenosine deaminase/ADA activity ratio < 0.49 was satisfied by all the tuberculous effusions but only eight others (all neoplastic) (sensitivity 100%, specificity 97%, efficiency 98%). We conclude that: 1) high total ADA activity in tuberculous pleural effusions is due mainly to an increase in ADA-2, and, therefore, originated from the only known source monocytes and macrophages; 2) ADA-2 was a more efficient diagnostic marker of tuberculous pleurisy than total ADA activity, although the difference was not statistically significant; and 3) among effusions with high total ADA the 2'-deoxyadenosine deaminase/ADA activity ratio differentiates tuberculous effusions from empyemas and parapneumonic effusions, but fails to discriminate well between tuberculous and neoplastic effusions. %U //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/erj/9/4/747.full.pdf