%0期刊文章%a daviskas,e%a anderson,sd%a gonda,i%a eberl,s%a meikle,s%a aele,jp%a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a gonda a a gonda,jp%a bautovich,g%吸入高血压盐水气溶胶增强了粘液循环清除哮喘和健康受试者%d 1996%j欧洲呼吸杂志%p 725-732%v 9%n 4%x气道表面液体(ASL)的高渗透性(ASL)已被提议作为高味性诱导哮喘的刺激。我们先前发现,在异型剂过度换气(ISH)用干空气中增加了粘膜钙清除率(MCC),我们提出与ASL的短暂性高渗透性有关的增加。我们通过施用浓缩盐溶液的气溶胶来研究增加ASL对MCC的渗透性对MCC的影响。使用99mtc-Sulphur胶体,伽马摄像头和计算机分析在12个哮喘和10个健康受试者中使用以下每一天进行测量:1)超声雾化的14.4%盐水;2)超声雾化的0.9%盐水;3)无气溶胶干预(对照)。哮喘患者的雾化14.4%盐水的(平均+/- SD)体积为2.2 +/- 1.2 mL,健康受试者的盐水为3.2 +/- 0.7 mL。该体积分别在5.4 +/- 1.3和6.4 +/- 0.7分钟的时间内分别用于哮喘和健康受试者。在单独的访问中评估了对14.4%盐水的气道响应,一秒钟(FEV1)的强迫呼气量下降为22 +/- 4%,在健康受试者中为3 +/- 2%。 Compared to the MCC with the 0.9% saline and control, the hypertonic aerosol increased MCC in both groups. In asthmatic subjects, MCC of the whole right lung in 1 h was 68 +/- 10% with 14.4% saline vs 44 +/- 14% with 0.9% saline and 39 +/- 13% with control. In healthy subjects, MCC of the whole right lung in 1 h was 53 +/- 12% with 14.4% saline vs 41 +/- 15% with 0.9% saline and 36 +/- 13% with control. We conclude that an increase in osmolarity of the airway surface liquid increases mucociliary clearance both in asthmatic and healthy subjects. These findings are in keeping with our previous suggestion that the increase in mucociliary clearance after isotonic hyperventilation with dry air is due to a transient hyperosmolarity of the airway surface liquid. %U //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/erj/9/4/725.full.pdf