TY - T1的不同的功能和形态特征的不依从族群人类巨噬细胞恢复了支气管肺泡灌洗JF -欧洲呼吸杂志》乔和J SP - 1719 LP - 1724欧元六世- 8 - 10盟Skold教授厘米盟——Barck C盟——Lundahl J AU -约翰逊,Y1 - 1995/10/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/8/10/1719.abstract N2肺泡巨噬细胞(AMs)构成形态学和功能异质的细胞群。这些细胞的粘附特性对它们在宿主防御中的作用很重要。为了研究非粘附巨噬细胞的异质性,我们从功能和形态学上对其进行了描述。然后将这些细胞与肺泡巨噬细胞总数进行比较。肺泡细胞(>95%肺泡巨噬细胞),通过支气管肺泡灌洗(BAL)从健康吸烟者中回收。非黏附巨噬细胞通过黏附分离。在流式细胞荧光测定法中测定了细胞群的吞噬能力和自身荧光特性。此外,还进行了电镜评价。肺泡巨噬细胞对白蛋白包被孔的粘附呈时间依赖性增加。 After 15 min, median 47%, interquartile range 42-52% (uncoated wells 68%, 67-72%) of the alveolar macrophages were attached; and after 60 min, 56%, 51-58% (uncoated wells 73%, 71-76%) of the alveolar macrophages were attached. The nonadherent alveolar macrophage population had less phagocytic capacity. The cell autofluorescence increased with increasing cell size and cell complexity/granularity in both populations. The nonadherent cells were more autofluorescent, indicating an increased granularity/complexity. These findings were confirmed with electron microscopy. Thus, the nonadherent alveolar macrophages had more cytoplasmic inclusions than the total alveolar macrophage population (volume density median 0.39, interquartile range 0.35-0.46 and 0.31, 0.26-0.34, respectively), but less surface protusions. We conclude that in lavage fluid from human smokers there is an ultrastructurally specific subpopulation of alveolar macrophages, showing less adhesive properties and impaired phagocytic capacity in vitro. These macrophages may be older alveolar cells or, alternatively, airway macrophages. Since only alveolar macrophages from smokers were investigated, we cannot draw any conclusions regarding alveolar cells from nonsmokers. Nevertheless, the heterogeneity of the lavaged cells should be taken into consideration when the functional ability of the alveolar macrophages are evaluated. ER -