PT -期刊文章AU -贝克,R盟——Odeh M盟——Oliven盟——Gavriely N TI -鼾声的声学性质援助- 10.1183 / 09031936.95.08122120 DP - 1995年12月01 TA -欧洲呼吸杂志》第六PG - 2120 - 2128 - 8的IP - 4099年12 - 4100年// //所以欧元和J1995 12月01;8ab -本研究试图在时域和频域表征打鼾声音的声学特性,并将这些特性与产生打鼾声音的机械事件联系起来。实验设置:1)犬模型- 6只杂种犬,植入声门上气囊造成部分上呼吸道阻塞。在不同程度阻塞时记录流量、声门上压和打鼾声。研究人员分析了每只狗的15到20次打鼾(总共100次)。2)模拟人类打鼾——在气流同时流动的两个位置(气管和周围环境)分别记录了四名受试者的六次模拟打鼾,并检查了它们的相关性。3)打鼾患者——用环境麦克风记录9名“严重”打鼾且无阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停(OSA)的受试者的打鼾。研究人员分析了每个受试者的40到50个鼾声(共400个)。在时间(时间扩展波形)和频率(功率谱)域对鼾声进行分析。在分析了这些鼾声之后,我们能够识别出两种明显不同的主要模式:“简单波形”和“复杂波形”。 The complex-waveform snore is characterized by repetitive, equally-spaced, train of sound structures, starting with a large deflection followed by a decaying amplitude wave. In the frequency domain, it is characterized by multiple, equally-spaced peaks of power (comb-like spectrum). Simple-waveform snores have a quasi-sinusoidal waveform, with a range of variants, and almost no secondary internal oscillations. Their power spectrum contains only 1-3 peaks, of which the first is the most prominent. We developed a mathematical representation of these waveforms, which is presented along with its implications. The complex-waveform snores result from colliding of the airway walls and represent actual brief airway closure. Simple-waveform snores are of higher frequency and probably result from oscillation around a neutral position without actual closure of the lumen.