作者@article {Nejjari1077 = {Nejjari, C和Tessier,摩根富林明和Barberger-Gateau, P和Jacqmin, H和Dartigues,摩根富林明和班子,R}, title ={功能状态的老年人治疗与哮喘有关的症状:基于人群的病例对照研究},体积={7}={6},页面={1077 - 1083}={1994},出版商={欧洲呼吸学会},文摘={很少有数据在老年人残疾引起的哮喘。188bet官网地址这个调查的目的是评估的功能地位人口65岁或以上,在接受治疗的哮喘相关的症状。具有代表性的3777老年人,住在家里在法国西南部,是使用一个标准化的问卷调查对老化的因素及其后果。评估功能状况,采用了5个尺度:日常生活活动(ADL);工具性日常生活活动(IADL);Rosow和布雷斯劳规模;流动性;和主观健康量表。病人治疗的哮喘相关的症状被确定通过使用平喘的药物在问卷中提到。在第二个阶段,与哮喘有关的症状的存在进一步建立了从他们的全科医生询问,通过直接询问病人。 Among 135 subjects taking anti-asthma drugs, 83 (61\%) had positive responses to specific questions, either from their doctors or from themselves, allowing them to be identified as "asthmatic". In comparison with a control group matched for age and sex (n = 166; two controls for each patient), asthmatic patients had a higher dependence in the IADL scale, a greater self-assessment of poor health, and a greater handicap in mobility. However, they had the same level of ADL disability as controls. Despite adjustment for residential area, depressive symptoms, Mini Mental Status (MMS) Exam score, visual and auditory impairment, and joint pain, patients treated for asthma still had a higher risk of disability in daily life, and a poorer subjective health than controls.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/7/6/1077}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/7/6/1077.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }