TY - T1的黄嘌呤衍生物抑制乙酰胆碱引起的细胞内钙离子浓度的增加豚鼠鼻腺腺泡细胞的JF -欧洲呼吸杂志》乔和J SP - 2114 LP - 2119欧元六世- 8 - 12盟Ishitani池田K AU - K盟——Sunose H盟——吴,D AU -本田、H盟——Takasaka T Y1 - 1995/12/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/8/12/2114.abstract N2 -胞内钙被认为发挥重要作用在分泌各种外分泌细胞的反应。我们检查是否黄嘌呤衍生物可以抑制Ca2 +动员和航空公司进入分泌细胞。因此,抑制作用胞内钙离子浓度的黄嘌呤([Ca2 +] i)的孤立鼻中隔黏膜下豚鼠的腺泡的细胞研究通过荧光显微镜。Ca2 +释放抑制性影响商店在Ca(2 +)无检查条件。影响Ca2 +输入估计由两个不同的协议;1)的长期持续阶段应用乙酰胆碱(ACh)和2)[Ca2 +]我过度切除ACh后无Ca(2 +)条件。黄嘌呤衍生物,3-isobutyl-1-methyl-xanthine (IBMX)、咖啡因、茶碱,显著抑制的增加[Ca2 +]我唤起的疼;从内部动员Ca2 +商店和Ca2 +条目从外部空间。The rank order of potency of these xanthine derivatives was IBMX > theophylline > caffeine. The addition of dibutyryl-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and forskolin to nasal gland acinar cells failed to inhibit the ACh-evoked increase in [Ca2+]i. Furthermore, a protein kinase A inhibitor, H-89, did not affect the inhibitory effect of the xanthine derivatives. The action of xanthines on the present acinar cells did not involve Ca(2+)-induced Ca2+ release (CICR) or an interaction with purinergic receptors. Thus, xanthines have a direct inhibitory effect both on Ca2+ release and entry in nasal gland acinar cells, and might thereby have antisecretory activity within the airways. ER -