TY - T1的肺功能测量清醒幼儿JF -欧洲呼吸杂志》乔和J SP - 2067 LP - 2075欧元六世- 8 - 12盟Bisgaard H AU -克鲁格是B Y1 - 1995/12/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/8/12/2067.abstract N2 -这项研究的目的是评估方法适用于临床监测肺功能的变化在醒着的孩子。阻抗测量的脉冲振荡法(f.t.),呼吸断续器的电阻测量技术(无线电侦察)和经皮的测量氧张力(Ptc, O2)与相伴的测量特定的气道阻力(sRaw)和在一秒用力呼气量(FEV1)通过全身体积描记法和肺量测定法,分别在醋甲胆碱挑战21岁小孩4 - 6年,疑似哮喘。测量每一步技术后被重复每个挑战。特殊制造口罩是一个集成的喉舌,保证在测量口呼吸。The order of sensitivity of the techniques to assess methacholine-induced changes in lung function was ZIOS > sRaw > Ptc,O2 > FEV1 > Rint. ZIOS was significantly more sensitive than all subsequent methods, and Ptc,O2 was significantly more sensitive than FEV1. ZIOS, sRaw and Rint, but not Ptc,O2 and FEV1, detected the subclinical increase in bronchial muscle tone in the children during baseline, which was revealed by the significantly reduced airway obstruction after inhalation of a beta 2-agonist as compared to baseline. It is concluded that ZIOS, Rint and Ptc,O2 change in parallel with sRaw and FEV1 and with a comparable sensitivity during simultanoeous measurements of the response to methacholine in young children aged 4-6 yrs. This implies that ZIOS, Rint and Ptc,O2 provide convenient indices of changes in lung function. Their combined use will be useful for monitoring airway diseases of young children. ER -