TY - T1的皮质类固醇吸入器的输出的差异使用volumatic间隔JF -欧洲呼吸杂志》乔和J SP - 1637 LP - 1638欧元六世- 8 - 10 AU -米勒先生盟——明亮,P Y1 - 1995/10/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/8/10/1637.abstract N2 -皮质类固醇吸入疗法使用垫片设备常用哮喘管理的一个重要组成部分。越来越多的普通皮质类固醇与垫片设备使用吸入器。我们已经测试了这些通用的吸入器是否产生等效剂量相比,建立的吸入器。We measured the in vitro output, discharged into a Volumatic spacer from beclomethasone dipropionate inhalers (250 micrograms.puff-1) made by three manufacturers, Allen & Hanburys, 3M and Baker Norton. The output from 20 of each type of inhaler was sampled, in random order, by a computer driven pump system. Beclomethasone was absorbed onto a coded filter, which was analysed independently for drug content. The output per puff differed significantly between the inhalers of each manufacturer, with a 36% difference between the highest output from the Allen & Hanburys device and the lowest output device. We conclude that there are important differences in output from these inhalers when used with a spacer, and that substitution of one device with another will not necessarily give equivalent therapy to the patient. ER -