RT期刊文章SR电子T1峰值呼气流的确定JF欧洲呼吸杂志188bet官网地址//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/6/9/1347.abstract ab ab仍然尚不清楚峰值呼气流(PEF)是否由气道中的“波速”流量限制确定。为了研究气道机械性能对PEF的影响,五名健康成年人以标准方式和以2 s和10 s的总肺容量(TLC)为标准的方式和呼吸呼吸的最大强迫呼气工作(MFEE)操作。用食道压力(POE)作为呼吸努力指数进行测量。受试者在10 s呼吸器之后还进行了MFEE,在此期间,瓦尔萨尔瓦(Valsalva)的操纵自愿升高,这将增加胸腔外气道的透壁压力和横截面区域。颈部完全弯曲并延伸,以改变纵向气管张力。在单独的研究中,用肺活量计和气动扫描仪测量PEF。TLC的呼吸(2 s和10 s),颈部屈曲平均减少了9.8%(SD 2.9%),9.6%(SD 1.6%)和8.7%(SD 2.8%),用时进行测量。肺活量计。用气动扫描测量时,可以看到相同的结果模式。 These reductions occurred despite similar respiratory effort. Voluntarily raising intrathoracic pressure during a 10 s breathhold did not reverse a fall in PEF. MFEE manoeuvre with neck extension did not result in an increase in PEF, the group mean % changes being -3.0% (SD 5.0%). We conclude that these results do not allow the hypothesis that "wave-speed" (Vws) is reached at PEF to be rejected. A breathhold at TLC could increase airway wall compliance by allowing stress-relaxation of the airway, thus reducing the "Vws" achievable.