Ty-jour t1 - 肺部渗透滤波器对肺功能测试的影响JF - 欧洲呼吸期刊Jo - Eur Respir J SP - 314 LP - 317 VL - 8是 - 2 Au - Fuso,L Au - Accardo,D Au -Bevignani,G Au - Ferrante,E Au - Della Corte,AU - Pistelli,R Y1 - 1995/02/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/8/2/314.abstract n2 - the本研究的目的是验证在口中使用过滤器的过滤器对气流的抗性的增加可以确定测量的显着系统误差或改变呼吸生理实验室中的诊断性能。新的过滤器Spirobac(Dar Spa,意大利)的效果被评估了我们对我们的实验室进行了常规功能评估的Out-upance。进行了以下试验:最大呼气流量曲线,体积肺部体积和气道阻力,支气管扩张剂试验和甲素攻击试验。每次测试随机进行,用过滤器两次,两次没有。发现具有和不含过滤器的测量值的显着差异,用于强制生命能力,强制呼气量,呼吸道阻力和特定的气道电导(SGAW)。除了SGAW之外,这些差异与测量的平均值无关。协议的限制在几乎所有函数指数中的内部知识性短期重复性范围内。用过滤器进行的试验之间的总体一致性为支气管扩张剂试验的78%,甲胆碱试验为53%。 However, in all the cases but one, the concordance of the methacholine test was inside the short-term repeatability. We conclude that the filter Spirobac has a statistically significant effect on the results of some pulmonary function tests. However, this is not considered to be clinically significant, since the changes due to the filter were within the intraindividual variability of repeated measurements for almost all the function indices and no appreciable classification error was found in diagnostic tests. ER -