ty -jour t1-自愿性咳嗽抑制是上呼吸道感染的症状严重程度的指示JF -Europen呼吸杂志JO -EUR RESSIR J SP -1449 LP -1454 VL -1454 VL -6 IS -10 AU -10 AU -Hutchings,Hutchings,Ha au -eccles,Ha au -eccles,eccles,eccles,eccles,eccles,eccles,eccles,eccles,eccles,eccles,eccles,eccles,R au -Smith,AP Au -Jawad,MS Y1-1993/11/01 UR -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content/6/6/10/1449.Abstract N2-本研究的目的是确定自愿抑制咳嗽的能力是否是上呼吸道感染中咳嗽严重程度的指数。通过与笔记录器相关的麦克风来测量咳嗽,并指示受试者自愿抑制咳嗽以确定止咳时间。症状严重程度,情绪和心理参数的主观得分是在咳嗽测量之前进行的。咳嗽的基线频率显示出较高频率的分布,中位数为2.1(下四分位数1.2,上四分位数3.2)咳嗽1。咳嗽抑制的结果分为两组,其中一组在12.6分钟内达到了一个突破点。还有另一组在20分钟止咳期内没有咳嗽的组。在因咳嗽抑制而破裂的受试者组中,咳嗽时间与咳嗽的基线频率之间存在反比关系。咳嗽抑制后咳嗽的中值频率明显大于咳嗽的基线中值。 The subjects who reached a breaking point had a greater baseline frequency of cough and a greater symptom severity score, and they also felt more feeble, clumsy, sad and antagonistic than the group which did not reach a breaking point. The subjects who reached a breaking point had significantly greater scores for the psychology parameter of obsessional symptoms than the group which did not reach a breaking point.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) ER -