%0杂志文章Kivity, S %A Poterman, R %A Schwarz, Y %A Soferman, R %A Topilsky, M %T吸入蒸馏水后对乙酰胆碱敏感性的变化:支气管收缩反应的作用%D 1995 %R 10.1185 /09031936.95.08020253 %J欧洲呼吸杂志%P 253- 256% V 8% N 2% X吸入蒸馏水可引起哮喘患者支气管收缩和对乙酰胆碱敏感性的短暂性增加。这项研究的目的是确定在蒸馏水刺激后,诱发支气管收缩对乙酰胆碱敏感性增加的作用。18名哮喘儿童(9-17岁)吸入蒸馏水。在吸入蒸馏水之前、吸入蒸馏水1.5小时和吸入蒸馏水24小时后测定支气管反应性,即甲基胆碱的刺激浓度在一秒钟内使用力呼气量减少20% (PC20)。吸入蒸馏水后,8例患者(I组)FEV1下降超过15%(平均23%);而在其余10个(第二组)中,下降幅度小于7%(平均1%)。PC20对乙酰胆碱,几何平均值和95%置信区间(CI),仅在吸入蒸馏水1.5小时后短暂下降。从0.78毫克下降。ml-1 (95% CI 0.11-5.54 mg.ml-1)基线至0.25 mg。I组攻毒后ml-1 (95% CI 0.03-2.14 mg.ml-1); and from 2.67 mg.ml-1 (95% CI 0.35-20.34 mg.ml-1) at baseline to 0.72 mg.ml-1 (95% CI 0.18-14.87 mg.ml-1) after challenge in Group II. The transient increase in sensitivity to methacholine observed following inhalation of distilled water occurred independently of the bronchoconstrictive response. This finding may have important clinical implications when hypo-osmolar solutions are used for delivery of drugs. %U //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/erj/8/2/253.full.pdf