RT杂志文章SR电子T1慢性血栓栓塞性肺动脉高压:临床图片和手术治疗JF欧洲呼吸杂志JO Eur Respir J FD欧洲呼吸学会SP 334 OP 342 DO 10.1183/09031936.93.05030334 VO 5188bet官网地址 IS 3 A1 Moser, KM A1 Auger, WR A1 Fedullo, PF A1 Jamieson, SW YR 1992 UL //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/5/3/334.abstract AB慢性,大血管血栓栓塞性肺动脉高压(CTEPH),是一种不常见的情况,在过去,是一种尸检好奇。诊断方法、手术技术和术后管理的进步已经将这种疾病转变为一种可能治愈的肺动脉高压形式。主要症状是用力时无法解释的呼吸困难。对于有这种抱怨的患者,应该考虑CTEPH。在诊断过程中存在许多缺陷。肺灌注扫描有助于诊断,但往往低估了中央动脉梗阻的程度。肺血管造影是关键的诊断程序,但许多模式的血栓组织-再通需要一个经验的基础,以作出正确的解释。选择手术患者的标准正在发展,但确保血栓可达性是关键。外科血栓内膜切除术与急性肺栓塞切除术没有相似之处。 Recognition of thrombus (versus normal intima), meticulous dissection and a bloodless surgical field are essential for adequate restoration of pulmonary vascular patency. Multiple complications may arise postoperatively, and detailed attention to these is required for patient survival. With a co-ordinated, multi-specialty team effort, however, haemodynamic and clinical outcomes have been rewarding and persist long-term. Surgical mortality should steadily decline with such a co-ordinated effort, as well as earlier diagnosis and advances in surgical and postoperative management techniques.